REM Cut.bat
REM This file compiles Cut.vb to Cut.exe
REM Cut.exe Removes specified from top or bottom of lines from StdIn and writes to StdOut
REM To use
REM cut {t|b} {i|x} NumOfLines
Rem Cuts the number of lines from the top or bottom of file.
Rem t - top of the file
Rem b - bottom of the file
Rem i - include n lines
Rem x - exclude n lines
Rem Example - Includes first 5 lines Win.ini
Rem cut t i 5 < "%systemroot%\win.ini"
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\vbc.exe" /target:exe /out:"%~dp0\Cut.exe" "%~dp0\Cut.vb"
REM This file compiles Cut.vb to Cut.exe
REM Cut.exe Removes specified from top or bottom of lines from StdIn and writes to StdOut
REM To use
REM cut {t|b} {i|x} NumOfLines
Rem Cuts the number of lines from the top or bottom of file.
Rem t - top of the file
Rem b - bottom of the file
Rem i - include n lines
Rem x - exclude n lines
Rem Example - Includes first 5 lines Win.ini
Rem cut t i 5 < "%systemroot%\win.ini"
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\vbc.exe" /target:exe /out:"%~dp0\Cut.exe" "%~dp0\Cut.vb"
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Public Module Cut
Sub Main
Dim Arg() As Object
Dim RS as Object
Dim LineCount as Object
Dim Line as Object
Arg = Split(Command(), " ")
rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With rs
.Fields.Append("LineNumber", 4)
.Fields.Append("Txt", 201, 5000)
LineCount = 0
Do Until Line = vbnull
LineCount = LineCount + 1
.Fields("LineNumber").value = LineCount
.Fields("Txt").value = Console.readline
Line = Console.ReadLine
.Sort = "LineNumber ASC"
If LCase(Arg(0)) = "t" then
If LCase(Arg(1)) = "i" then
.filter = "LineNumber < " & LCase(Arg(2)) + 1
ElseIf LCase(Arg(1)) = "x" then
.filter = "LineNumber > " & LCase(Arg(2))
End If
ElseIf LCase(Arg(0)) = "b" then
If LCase(Arg(1)) = "i" then
.filter = "LineNumber > " & LineCount - LCase(Arg(2))
ElseIf LCase(Arg(1)) = "x" then
.filter = "LineNumber < " & LineCount - LCase(Arg(2)) + 1
End If
End If
Do While not .EOF
End With
End Sub
End Module
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Public Module Cut
Sub Main
Dim Arg() As Object
Dim RS as Object
Dim LineCount as Object
Dim Line as Object
Arg = Split(Command(), " ")
rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With rs
.Fields.Append("LineNumber", 4)
.Fields.Append("Txt", 201, 5000)
LineCount = 0
Do Until Line = vbnull
LineCount = LineCount + 1
.Fields("LineNumber").value = LineCount
.Fields("Txt").value = Console.readline
Line = Console.ReadLine
.Sort = "LineNumber ASC"
If LCase(Arg(0)) = "t" then
If LCase(Arg(1)) = "i" then
.filter = "LineNumber < " & LCase(Arg(2)) + 1
ElseIf LCase(Arg(1)) = "x" then
.filter = "LineNumber > " & LCase(Arg(2))
End If
ElseIf LCase(Arg(0)) = "b" then
If LCase(Arg(1)) = "i" then
.filter = "LineNumber > " & LineCount - LCase(Arg(2))
ElseIf LCase(Arg(1)) = "x" then
.filter = "LineNumber < " & LineCount - LCase(Arg(2)) + 1
End If
End If
Do While not .EOF
End With
End Sub
End Module